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Page history last edited by Richard Beach 3 years, 9 months ago

Mystery authors


Dmoz: Mystery authors


Mystery Writers of America: The Edgars Award Winners


Nancy Drew



Mystery texts


Different types of mystery novels


MysteryInk Online






StopYou'reKillingMe: Lots of resources on the mystery novel


Classic Crime Fiction


Crime and Mystery Fiction Journal




Frequently taught mysteries


Barnard, R.  (1994).  The master of the house.  New York: Scribner.


Grimes, M. (1986).  I am the only running footman.  New York: Little, Brown.


Hillerman, T. (1973).  Dance hall of the dead.  New York: Harper & Row.


James, P. D.  (1972).  An unsuitable job for a woman.  New York: Scribner.


Kaminsky, S.  (1977).  Murder on the yellow brick road.  New York: St. Martins.



Methods for teaching the mystery novel


Teaching Detective Fiction through a Cross-Curriculum Unit


Mystery Lessons Plans


Lessons plans for teaching the mystery novel


ProTeacher: Mystery novel teaching ideas


Addicting Games: High School Detective: Online game for studying mystery


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