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Adding Content

Page history last edited by Kris Isaacson 8 years, 5 months ago


Adding Activities or Units to the Wiki

You can be approved to add material from the wiki by applying for access as an Editor. Click on Log In on the upper right corner to apply for access. Email Richard at rbeach@umn.edu indicating that you’ve requested access by identifying your educational or organization affiliation so that he can grant you access as an editor; requests for promotion of commercial products will not be approved. If you're approved as an Editor, follow these instructions to add material:


  • Go to a certain relevant chapter, and click on Activities and Units. Then, click on Edit.
  • On the right side, you’ll see Images and Files. Click on that to upload a file.
  • Once the file is uploaded, click on where you want the file to be stored on the Activities and Units page.
  • Click on the file link on the right, and the file link will appear on the page. Then, down at the bottom, click on Save.
  • For further information, see the editing instructions in the PBworks manual


You can also email materials to Richard at rbeach@umn.edu.


Adding Content to the Wiki Video



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